Browse Collections (29 total)

GLC in the Media

Improving Interbranch Communication Project

2023 July Improving Interbranch Communication Digest.pdf

The Improving Interbranch Communication Project bridges gaps between New York’s Courts and the state's Executive and Legislative branches. When courts…

Access to Justice

Cultural Responsiveness Program Materials.pdf

Fair Trial/Free Press Conference

Hypothetical Updated 2024-10-14.pdf

Founded in 1969, the New York Fair Trial/Free Press Conference brings together members of the press and the criminal legal system to promote…

Transcending Gender, Sex, and the Law: Legal Issues Facing Transgender, Gender Non-conforming, and Intersex People in New York State

Materials-TGNCI-Legal Futures Program-Dec 7.pdf

During Fall 2023, the Government Law Center hosted a series of three programs examining legal issues that transgender, gender non-conforming, and…


This Week in Theater News.png

Government Law Center news and digests.

2023 Disability Law Series: Civil Rights and Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

The series consisted of five 2-hour forums exploring critical issues related to the civil rights of people with developmental disabilities.

Business Law

Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020 Explainer (002).pdf

Public Authorities

Court rules that NYC School Construction Authority violated environmental laws.pdf

Warren M. Anderson Series

Program Materials - Current Issues in New York State Education.pdf